Παρασκευή 17 Μαΐου 2024

Μιλάμε με την νεαρά κυρία VALENTINA BISSOLI

Μιλάμε με την νεαρά κυρία VALENTINA BISSOLI, Μοντέλο στην Ιταλία και Διεθνώς, για την τρέχουσα Καριέρα της, την παρούσα Πολιτική στην Ιταλία και την Ευρώπη και τα Πλάνα της ιδίας για το Μέλλον.
Επιμέλεια - Επεξεργασία, Μαρκόπουλος Χ. Θωμάς
Tell us about your plans about follow months, my lady? Are you preparing something new? Projects-Career.
Yes, I have a lot of things planned but for the summer 2024 I prefer not to say now. However, you will always be up to date on my social channels. I'm interfacing with new worlds, like acting and TV and Radio... we will see!

We want to hear about your latest successes and positive moments in your life-way career!

It's a very purposeful moment! I am very happy to have taken part in a docufilm on autism and to have premiered it in Trentino Alto Adige at a very important event. This new phase of my career makes me very proud!

Are Italian Women the most gorgeous Women in Mediterranean Sea and Europe? You are in the List with the 100 of the most Beautiful Women in the World for 2023.

Thanks to the Greek People and Men like you Thomas I discovered this aspect! They love Mediterranean Women very much, especially Italian Women! I'm proud to have been considered one of the most Beautiful Women in the World... although this title is very subjective!

Are you going to vote at 9th of June about European Parliament Elections 2024? You have Liberal Way of thinking and lifestyle, as I know.

More Europe is the big answer! Yes absolutely. I think I will keep my line as always. Although fashion and politics are two very different environments. I did love to be part of it one day! Who knows...

And a final question... you would like to deal with social and political issues and affairs in the near future, my lady?

As I said above I would love to! Women in politics have always done well and made an important contribution... if it is destiny it will happen!

Thank you my Lady for this interview... alwas by your side, as you wish! At your service my Lady. With Respect and Love!

I love you and respect you to Thomas and I think your a very very very big talented Μan in a lot of areas and sectors!

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Η Γνώμη Κιλκίς- Παιονίας διευκρινίζει στους αναγνώστες της ότι θεωρεί αυτονόητο το δικαίωμα του σχολιασμού και της κριτικής έκφρασης, όταν αυτό φυσικά δεν στοχεύει στην απαξίωση, στην ύβρη και στην προσβολή ατόμων και θεσμών.

Το αναγνωστικό κοινό θα πρέπει να γνωρίζει ότι η Γνώμη, επιδιώκοντας μια υγιή και αμφίδρομη επικοινωνία, δεν δημοσιεύει ανυπόγραφα σχόλια, αλλά ούτε και σχόλια ρατσιστικού, προσβλητικού και υβριστικού περιεχομένου.

Τα ενυπόγραφα άρθρα τέλος, εκφράζουν το συντάκτη τους και δε συμπίπτουν κατ' ανάγκην με την άποψη της εφημερίδας.